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Daniel asked:

> I would be curious to know which versions of WTC, if any (in addition to
> GG's) you consider of comparable merit to GG's.

The late Swiss harpsichordist, Christiane Jaccottet.  (Those
ultra-low-budget discs that don't look like anything special, but are.  The
entire WTC fits onto three of them.)  Outstanding for clarity and for gentle
naturalness of expression - listening to it I never get the sense that she's
doing anything contrived or artificial.  She simply played the music
fluently yet flexibly, and Bach's inventiveness comes out.  She had great
technique, too: it never calls attention to itself.  Her F minor of book 2
is remarkable in warmth and poise.

Bradley Lehman, http://www-personal.umich.edu/~bpl
Dayton VA