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Re: GG: Hearty Slap/GG's Psychology

Anne M. Marble wrote:
> >But then I read a story
> > (was it maybe on this list?) about a conductor accidentally
> *stepping* on
> > GG hands and GG not seeming to care at all.  So that makes me think
> that
> > maybe he just didn't like the Steinway guy, or didn't like people
> > purposely touching him, or something.
> I also remember reading something -- in the Selected Letters, I
> think -- where a porter on a train accidentally slammed GG's fingers
> in the door! OUCH. I have relatively normal-sized hands (despite
> untold years of knuckle cracking!), and that idea still makes me
> flinch. Imagine that happening to GG... Shudder.

Ouch-o-rama!  A conductor *stepping* on his hands and a porter
*slamming a door* on them?

I don't remember either of those accounts.  Does anyone have a reference
for those anecdotes?  I can't imagine GG brushing that kind of thing
off lightly.
