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Re: R: Clarification.

-----Original Message-----
From: Anne M. Marble <amarble@sff.net>
Date: Saturday, May 05, 2001 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: R: Clarification.

>I know some people would rather talk about the music and
>nothing else. Sometime last year, someone on this list
>accused people who talked about other facets of Glenn Gould
>of being "trivial" and "banal."

Not me! Never me! I have an alibi!

>Who says being "strange" is a bad thing? Who says
>being "goofy" is a bad thing? I know that I am often strange
>and goofy, and I exalt in it. :->

I am the Town (maybe even National by now) Poster Child for Goofy. Consider
the alternative -- living the only life we get "pret a porter." The horror!
The horror!
