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Re: GV Quodlibet (was Responding to "glenn gould as god" etc.)

--- ML <ml> wrote:
> I may have caused unnecesary confusion.
> You see---when I said, "Glenn Gould's a god to me"
> or something along
> those lines...i didn't mean it literally.  I do not
> have a statue of him.
>  I do not bow down to him.  Nor do I pray to him
> before bed.  I call
> myself a Gouldian yet I do not believe that when I
> die, he will greet me
> at heaven's gate and tell me where to go. lol.  that
> would be absurd

Hi Michael,

As undoubtedly absurd as it is, you can understand
that when you say something - particularly when you
put it in writing - you should expect (and perhaps
desire) to be taken as read. The world would become a
very odd place if no one took anyone else's words
seriously, just as it would be if we could not find
the humour in things.

> I used the word God as a description of my view of
> him.  It was mere
> hyperbole.  Maybe a better word would be, "absolute
> and utter role
> model."  There...that sounds better.

Much better! "Role model" is how I think I would
describe him as well.

> Somebody wrote something about "jewish horror of
> idolatry" .  I'm gonna
> pretend I didnt hear that.  But if you say it again,
> you're asking for
> it!

I must have missed that message. I can't even
understand what context one would use the words
"jewish horror of idolatry"... Needless to say, it's a
discussion best left alone.

Now, back to GG... :D

I was listening to the '55 GV "out takes" last night.
At the end, GG has to explain to the engineer the
origins and intentions of the Quodlibet. He described
the two songs as being "dirty"... This is news to me.
Can anyone explain what was so offensive about them?
(Without being too... dirty!)

All the best,

David Lodge

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