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Re: GG:late nighters, humming, and polyphonic listening

From: Mike Flemmer <mikejf@freewwweb.com>

> This late night internet talk got me wondering if anyone
> here is a work-at-night, sleep-in-the-day person, as
> GG was?  I stay up late myself, but I do get to bed
> before sunrise.  We know GG would work all night
> in the studio, editing for hours, trying to meet deadlines.
> Not to mention the late night phone calls.

I wish I could have that schedule! My company has flexible hours, but
I don't think they'd want them to be *that* flexible. Maybe when I
become a rich & successful novelist. (Guess I'll have a long wait.)

As it is, I do stay up later than I should. (As I'm doing right now --
although these days, one a.m. or so simply isn't that late to me.) I
think the best ideas can come when you're really, really tired because
certain parts of your brain shut down. You know, the "You can't write
*that*" parts of your brain. During those early hours, my writing
tends to be a little more creative -- sometimes too creative, so I
have to come back the next night and undo my changes. My typing really
suffers during those hours, but many writers say it's better to ignore
the typos until you get to the rewriting stages. One problem with
staying up late to write is that it's hard to get to sleep once you're
done, because your mind keeps working. On a night like that, it really
is a good idea to turn on the radio or TV, a la Glenn, to help you
sleep. (To think I used to make fun of my older brother for falling
asleep with the TV on...)

I can do several things at once -- within limits. For example, I can
write TV while watching my novel. Whoops, the other way around. ;->
Just don't expect me to keep track of all aspects of the show. (Unless
it's something really simple.) Some activities mix well, some don't.
For example, I once managed to listen to Glenn while watching a talk
show (Montel Williams) -- though if I took my eyes off the talk show,
then my mind became unable to follow either the music or the talking.
I also like to read while watching TV, as long as the show isn't too
complicated or too visual. However, I can't watch TV while listening
to something else with the spoken word, such as a book on tape.

I hereby declare Glenn the master (maestro?) of doing several things
at once.

I'm proud to report that like Glenn, I also have terrible handwriting.
I'm not left-handed, but I often write with my right hand much in the
same way lefties write with their left hands. My coworker told me
that's a sign of genius. Probably because she writes in the same way.

BTW I can't write backwards, but I can read words that are upside
down. (Very slowly, of course.)