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Re: GG: Humming - Pirated CD Proposal

Anne Smith wrote:
> ----Bardolph,
> Do yourself a favour- DON'T  do this.  Aside from the fact that this is
> illegal, please consider the moral issues.  Recording studios spend
> thousands of dollars to make each recording.  They desirve to get their
> money out of it.  Glenn is dead and doesn't need the money - his estate
> desirves the royalties.  Please consider the technical people that make
> their livings producing these recordings.  Pirates raise the prices for
> those of us who buy legitament versions.  This is stealing!
> Anne

	I've already started to receive email from people interested in my
project.  Please recall that, as I stated, my aim is to force SONY to
release edited recordings, and that I believe will only happen if they
are convinced that it would be to their financial benefit to do so;
they're a business, after all, and a question of profit will get their

	I've only just begun researching this project.  If I can find a studio
with  technology that will allow the complete removal of GG's humming
from ordinary CDs without affecting the piano sound, I will have some
CDs produced, for my own private use; I will obtain complete details of
how the editing was performed, and publish them in this list, so that
others may duplicate the process; and I may or may not, depending on the
editing results, inital cost, and level of interest expressed, start
copying out CDs for sale to interested parties - or better yet, send the
music, in digital format, out to the newsgroups, where it will spread
over the world in a matter of days.  I'm quite confident that if totally
undistorted, hum-free Gould tracks can be produced, many, many people
will want copies, legitimate or not (in fact, if any of YOU have already
managed to do this sort of thing, or know of anyone who has, I'll buy).
	I will keep Sony Classical apprised of any progress I make on this
front - although if I DO come up with some edits of really high quality,
I may have to pass the distribution on to someone else to avoid legal
hassles.  Once again, I invite all interested parties to discuss this
with me.  Hum-free GG recordings could become a reality!
