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GG for desert island

>As far as GG goes, I'd have to select the Brahms Intermetzzi, the
>Ballades and Rhapsodies...I love the Emperor. I'm pretty sentimental. I
>suppose we can ALL take for granted one edition of the Goldbergs-- mine
>is the 81. That's today's selections.  Tomorrow-- could change entirely.

For a three-month trip to an island in '98 (but not specifically a desert
island) I did have to restrict myself to one GG disc.  I took the
Schoenberg solo music, though it was a close call between that and the
Brahms intermezzi.  I got the Brahms fix from Fleisher/Szell playing the
concertos.  For Bach I picked the Art of Fugue (Savall's, if I remember
correctly).  None of Gould's Bach was even in the "maybe" pile against
some other priorities.

If the assignment were to pick one Gould Bach disc, it would be the 1959
Goldbergs from Salzburg...or the partitas if I could sneak a two-disc set.

Bradley Lehman, Dayton VA
home: http://i.am/bpl  or  http://www-personal.umich.edu/~bpl
CD's: http://listen.to/bpl or http://www.mp3.com/bpl

"Music must cause fire to flare up from the spirit - and not only sparks
from the clavier...." - Alfred Cortot